Sunday, January 27, 2013

First ever American girl doll of the year

This is Lindsey the very first American girl dollof the year. She was the girl of the year 2001. She has short flicky dark brown hair and bangs. She is absolutely adorable and I love her.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

American Girl Doll Of The Year 2013 - Saige

This is Saige, the American Girl doll of 2013!
She has long, red, curly hair and freckles.

This is her in a real person, she loves horses

This is her with her hair down. it looks beautiful and the curls seem to be staying up very well. if you are a first time AG doll buyer i wouldn't recommend this doll because her hair seems quite hard to handle.

These are Saiges 3 outfits.


Hello, i am a 13 girl who loves American girl dolls and other 18" dolls. I will be posting reviews on dolls, new dolls, videos on my YouTube about dolls and more, enjoy :O)